October 18, 2009

dear malaika,

know who you are, but moreover know who you want to become. assemble your actions and thoughts to match the person you want to become not the person who you unconsciously allow yourself to be. strive to be someone you admire.choose to be great,choose be grand, allow the unexpected and accept the beautiful.


j*davey-end of the world

the colors & compositions equal brilliant!


October 17, 2009


–verb (used without object)
1. to form or have an opinion; judge; think: He did not deem lightly of the issue.
–verb (used with object)
2. to hold as an opinion; think; regard: He deemed it wise to refuse the offer.

in my ears

ive been listening to Muhsinah a lot lately. her music really helps me to concentrate especially when im writing.i dont get distracted singing along with the song too much but instead find myself thinking and being able to get my thoughts out there. thanks Muhsinah!

just watch...

"what more can i say"
Posted by Picasa

October 16, 2009

its crazy

i don't know where this thing called is taking me. im not sure i mind either.sometimes what you you thought you were aiming for is so much smaller than the places you'll go. should my goal be to get to my destination,or to understand the beauty i come across while on an unpaved path.