July 1, 2010

...3:54am thoughts

sometimes i think the only reason people read,watch tv, or listen to music is to validate the way they live.we so often disregard what we think,and feel,because it comes from ourselves but if it were to come from a professor,poet,psychologist, actor, or musician we would tweet and repeat it in a second. i often feel this way when im reading something written by someone we label as a "great mind" and realized countless people come up with similar analysis's everyday just by sitting there, pondering, and deciding what it truly real to them .similar not same.we look to other people and call them genius only because they are the ones brave enough to show the world what they feel,instead of what was placed in their hand,and what they see not what has clouded their vision.the ones bold enough to share theirs are the great minds. these are the leaders, these are the dummies.im done with validation. im through being smart.im living on instinct. im trusting myself, im writing my story,im taking off the headphones,im singing my song. im done with waiting for someone else to voice my opinions, because no matter how much i believe what they are saying,our views will never be the same.know the value of your thoughts,know the value of your art, know the value of your truth.

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