September 16, 2009

expectations and realization

for some the thought of college may automatically include partying, drinking,and maybe yes, maybe a little studying, but for me it has been a little different. from the time i decided to attend morgan state university i made up my mind that here i will take advantage of any and every opportunity to grow, expand myself, and learn. i was particularly turned on by the thought of being surrounded by hundreds of other black young individuals who would have a similar mentality. if noting else we were all coming here to gain knowledge and be the best possible.well...i can not say my college experience has been exactly this way.everyone is not here to better themselves but regardless of what others are doing i have learned that i cannot allow myself to only reach the level someone else has set for me.its crazy because i know the amount of things i can learn here are countless, but i know its going to take more than just allowing myself to be going to have to take an active approach in finding what i want, and going to get it."get up get out and get something."

September 1, 2009

"no rain no rainbows, no clouds no sunshine.."

okay, now im not even going to lie.when i first saw rico wade preform i thought he was freaking weirddd..and that's saying a lot coming from someone such as myself.but after i got over his jesus like attire, awkward yelps,and unpredictable movements i began to take note of another quality he possessed.i thought this is a performer who is genuinely comfortable with who he is and is not afraid to show it to the world.the world needs more people like rico wade...
well,mentality wise.not sure about the black toe nail polish..haa

tell me your story how you ended up here

soo while driving to maryland i had the luck of stumbling across a man and his van at a virginia rest this was not just any van.on it a question was painted in bold white paint, "how has the recession affected you?", as well a hundreds of different story's in black sharpie answering the question.i couldn't help to think of what a brilliant concept the moving bulletin board was. being the outlet of so many people's worst thoughts,and most painful myself decided to responded with a more light hearted humor,im not sure the bright orange van could have taken another sob story.
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serendipity definishion

ser·en·dip·i·ty (srn-dp-t)
n. pl. ser·en·dip·i·ties
1. The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.
2. The fact or occurrence of such discoveries.
3. An instance of making such a discovery.
[From the characters in the Persian fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip, who made such discoveries, from Persian Sarandp, Sri Lanka, from Arabic sarandb.]